Green River Fishing Report

Fall has made its way to the Green. We’ve seen are first snow in the mountains and variable weather has been making its way through. As of October 1, average daily releases are being lowered by 50 CFS per day to bring the daily average flow from 1,900 CFS to a daily average of 1,100 CFS by October 16. The 1,100 CFS average daily release is projected to last through November. Currently, the daytime flow is just over 2,000 CFS and the evening flow is about 1,200 CFS. The water being released from the dam is 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

As the days are getting cooler and stormier, the streamer fishing has been heating up. My best colors have been white and gold, olive and copper, and black and peacock. Terrestrial fishing has continued to be good, especially on the lower river. Hoppers, beetles, and crickets have been working. If they are not eating the big bug, try trailing a smaller ant behind the hopper. Midges are around first thing in the morning, as the day progresses you will see some Psuedocloeon and Baetis coming out and some caddis making an appearance. From the boat, I like to target the Baetis and Psuedocloeon sipping fish with a dry dropper rig. I’ll use a hopper that I can see trailed by a small Baetis or gray midge. For nymphs this time of the year you will want to have small gray scuds (18-20), small gray and brown WD 40’s (20-24), gray soft hackle (18-20) radiation Baetis (18-20), frenchie (18), and a variety of San Juan Worms from Secret Riffle down.