July has produced some of the finest dry fly fishing that I have ever witnessed on the Green River. Night time flows on the Green are around 1,100 CFS. At around 9 AM they increase the flows to about 1,400 CFS. At about 1 PM the flows increase to about 2,100 CFS. The current temperature of the water being released from the dam is 56.3 F.
In the morning you will see a plethora of midges on the water and quite a few caddis as the sun hits the water. Around 10 AM you will start to see PMD’s and Yellow Sallies beginning to hatch. They will stick around until approximately 2 PM. Around 4 PM the caddis will start to come off again and last into the evening. There are still Cicadas around, both the mondos and the clickers. It’s crazy, but I think they will be around until August.
Dry fly fishing has been phenomenal. Fish a big cicada, cricket, or ant until you see fish keying in on the hatch. During the hatch fish are either keyed in on Caddis, PMD’s, or Sallies. Once you hone in on what they are eating, it is game on. After the hatch they will eat the big bug again and then switch to Caddis in the evenings. Dry flies that I like are Chubby Chernobyl Ants in a size 8-12, a Paracricket or PMX in a size 8-10, Peacock Caddis in a size 14-16, Film Critic PMD in a size 16, Yellow Sally in a Size 14. If you have to nymph, fish will eat a scud, gray soft hackle, frenchie, prince nymph, graphic caddis, or a worm. Streamer fishing has been good in the early morning hours before the sun hits the water.
Enjoy the fishing!