Southwest Wyoming Fishing Report

We had a wet spring so the mosquitoes are in full force. Pack plenty of bug spray. The fishing has been great and will remain that way for another week or so. Warmer river temps in the coming days and low water will start to limit your fishing opportunities. Flows below Fontenelle Reservoir are currently at 900 CFS. The reason for the low flows this summer is that the USBR is trying to increase the pool elevation of the reservoir to optimize a bathymetric survey. Bathymetric surveys allow us to measure the depth of a water body as well as map the underwater features of a water body.

Besides mosquitoes, you will find Midges, Drakes, Caddis, PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, and Golden Stones. For dry flies, Chubby Chernobyl Ants in a size 8-12, Film Critic PMD in a size 16, Peacock Caddis in a size 14-18, Midges in a size 20, Yellow Sallies in size 14-16, hoppers, and ants. For nymphs, Pheasant tails in a size 16, Mitchell’s Split Case in a size 16, Golden Stones in a size 10-12, Scuds in a size 14, Prince Nymphs or other caddis in a size 14-16.

You can still find great streamer fishing early in the morning or in the evenings.