As of May 21, the Governor of the State of Utah has moved from the State’s risk management from the Moderate Risk Category of COVID-19 response to a Low Risk Category. There are still certain areas that are in the Moderate Risk Category. Please practice social distancing while recreating and traveling around outdoors. More information can be found here:
Morgan, Weber, and Summit County have all moved to the same Low Risk Guidelines that the Governor has put into effect.
Spring is here and the days are much warmer and longer than they have been.
Above Rockport Reservoir, flows are around 177 CFS, but be mindful that the daytime heat can cause snow to melt and the river to become cloudy with runoff as the day progresses. Water releases from Rockport Reservoir are at 185 CFS. By Coalville the river is flowing at 98.3 CFS. Below Echo Reservoir the Weber is flowing at 409 CFS. The river is flowing at 197 CFS along I 84 near Mountain Green and at 106 CFS once it gets to Ogden. These flows are pretty good for some quality angling. Current snowpack in the Weber River Drainage is sitting at 24 percent of normal.
Midge, Caddis, and a few remaining Baetis are around, Yellow Sallies and PMD’s are just around the corner.
If you are going to try and fish the Weber, bring some Peacock Caddis (16-18), X Caddis (16-18), sow bugs (16-18), zebra midges (18-22), other assorted midges (18-24), Baetis nymphs (18-20), caddis larva (16-18), and some small streamers like a Zonker or Sculpzilla in white, olive, or black.