Green River Fishing Report

From the Bureau of Reclamation:

“As of March 7, 2022, Flaming Gorge Reservoir pool elevation is 6018.03 feet, which amounts to 78 percent of live storage capacity. Unregulated inflow volume for the month of February is approximately 30,000 acre-feet (af), which is 66 percent of the average February unregulated inflow volume.

The winter base flow period ended on February 28, a +/-25 percent base flow period. The daily average release of approximately 850 cfs is planned to be maintained through March.

The March forecast for unregulated inflows into Flaming Gorge for the next three months projects below average conditions. March, April, and May forecasted unregulated inflow volumes amount to 75,000 af (71 percent of average), 85,000 af (68 percent of average), and 125,000 af (50 percent of average), respectively.

The March water supply forecast of the April through July unregulated inflow volume into Flaming Gorge Reservoir is 540,000 acre-feet (56% of average). Current snowpack is 80% of median for the Upper Green Basin.”

What this means:

Current daytime releases out of Flaming Gorge Reservoir are at 867 CFS. River temperatures are approximately 38.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Current snowpack in the Upper Green River Drainage is sitting at 79 percent of normal. Current snowpack in the Lower Green River Drainage is sitting at 87 percent of normal.

There is some midge and some mayfly activity, but winter on the Green is all about the streamer fishing. With the lower flows I have been using lighter sink tips or you can even get away with a floating line. Black, gray, and ginger have been my go to colors lately. Winter streamer patterns that I like are the peanut envy, gonga, dungeons, and sculpzillas.