From the Bureau of Reclamation:
“As of May 8, 2023 (end of day), Flaming Gorge Reservoir pool elevation is 6012.21 feet, which amounts to 72 percent of live storage capacity. Unregulated inflow volume for the month of April is approximately 188,000 acre-feet (af), which is 150 percent of the average April unregulated inflow volume. The current average daily release is 800 cfs.
The 2023 DROA Plan is being finalized and will be provided through processes outlined in the DROA Framework, pages.
A new operation will be finalized in May 2023, and this will contain an operation plan from May 2023 through April 2024.
Spring Release -- The Larval Trigger Study Plan to assist in the recovery of the Razorback sucker (protected under the Endangered Species Act) is the next operational plan to occur this spring. The adaptive management experiment is triggered by appearance of razorback sucker larvae which is correlated to the weather. Current models show that the trigger could occur in early June, pending hydrology and weather. Below is a description of the likelihood of the trigger occurring. The mean calendar date of the first capture of razorback sucker larvae (i.e., the "larval trigger") is May 28 (median May 27) and ranges from May 7 to June 24. Historically, 50% of first captures occurred between May 21 and June 2; 75% occurred between May 16 and June 4. In general, first capture of larvae is earliest in years characterized by low flows and/or warmer conditions, and latest in years characterized by high flows and/or cooler conditions. Pending the timing of the trigger and Yampa River flows, the goal is to achieve greater than 18,600 cfs for at least 5 days in Reach 2, near Jensen Utah. Releases from Flaming Gorge Dam will vary to meet target flows in Reach 2.
The May unregulated inflows into Flaming Gorge for the next three months projects above average. May, June, and July forecasted unregulated inflow volumes amount to 415,000 af (167 percent of average), 490,000 af (126 percent of average), and 207,000 af (103 percent of average), respectively. The May water supply forecast of the April through July unregulated inflow volume into Flaming Gorge Reservoir is 1,300,000 acre-feet (135% of average). Due to the May official forecast Upper Green April – July forecast being at a 31% exceedance value, spring operations will use an average hydrologic classification operation.
To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Flaming Gorge Reservoir Data.”
What this means:
We should see a consistent flow of 800 - 850 CFS for the foreseeable future. I do not know when the Spring flush will occur, but will update my reports when I do. It sounds like it will happen much later than normal this year. River temperatures are approximately 42.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Current snowpack in the Upper Green River Drainage is sitting at 87 percent of normal. Current snowpack in the Lower Green River Drainage is sitting at 122 percent of normal.
The baetis hatch is still lingering in certain spots along the A section and there still is a decent midge hatch. I have heard some crickets around and there are some fish starting to hang out in the shallow riffles so you can pick those fish off on a cricket or a dry dropper rig.
River clarity is a thing. Flows out of the dam are a little off color and Pipe Creek is pouring lots of off color water into the A section. Once you get below Roller Coaster Rapid the river clarity is decent. Once Gorge Creek comes in at the bottom of A the river becomes off color until it is blown by Red Creek.
For nymphs: Zebra midges size (18-20) in a variety of different colors, blue wing patterns size (16-18) in dark olive of black color ways. Purple usually works as well when the water is off color. Scuds always produce on the stretches of water close to the dam size (18-20).
For dries: Blue wing cripples size (16-18), Cluster midges size 16, a variety of other smaller midge patterns will work as well, a Paracricket or chubby in a size 12 will cover the winter stone flies or will hold up a dry dropper rig.
For streamers: Usually this time of the year is all about olive, but white, gold, and black will also work.