Green River Fishing Report

From the Bureau of Reclamation:

“As of November 1, 2023 (end of day), Flaming Gorge Reservoir pool elevation is 6029.15 feet, which amounts to 88 percent of live storage capacity. Unregulated inflow volume for the month of October is approximately 69,000 acre-feet (af), which is 129 percent of the average October unregulated inflow volume.

Flaming Gorge Dam operations are in an average hydrologic classification for the month of November and are projected to remain in the average hydrologic classification through the remainder of the base flow period. The autumn average daily release remains within the average hydrologic classification range of 1,500 cfs to 2,400 cfs in Reach 2, measured at the Jensen USGS Gage. Current average daily release is approximately 1,500 cfs. This data is considered the most likely scenario given the current forecast, is general, and is subject to changing conditions.

The November unregulated inflows into Flaming Gorge for the next three months projects near average. November, December, and January forecasted unregulated inflow volumes amount to 56,000 af (113 percent of average), 39,000 af (118 percent of average), 45,000 af (112 percent of average), respectively..

What this means:

Flows are fluctuating between 887 CFS and 2,200 CFS. At around 5 AM flows begin to increase for the day. Throughout the day the release is around 1,620 CFS. Around 10 PM flows increase to 2,200 CFS. At midnight flows drop to 887 CFS. Water temperatures are around 47.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Although this is a decent flow for fishing, the timing of the increase of water getting to the C section is a little late to capitalize on the streamer bite and daylight.

The Winterish weather has brought the terrestrial bite to a close. We are seeing a decent baetis hatch though so dry dropper or double dry rigs have been productive during the hatch. The streamer bite continues to get better, especially in the shade of the canyon on the A section. The bite on B is decent, but not as good as it currently is on A.

All in all the fishing remains great on the Green. Please be mindful of spawning fish. If you chose to fish during the spawn, do not walk on or through redds.